Julia Cheely

Julia Cheely



I am from about an hour north of Atlanta, Georgia where I was born and raised. I grew up in the school environment because my mom was a media specialist at our local high school. I then moved to Minnesota for college at Hamline and that’s where I am now.

Hamline Experience

I am a senior at Hamline majoring in Physics and Education with a minor in Mathematics. I have been tutoring for three years now at Hamline in physics and statistics. I plan on becoming a licensed teacher for physics and math for high school students. I’ve always loved STEM and I’ve wanted to be a teacher since before I could read, so I’m excited to work with students and help them be successful.


  • I love to read
  • My favorite places are coffee shops and bookstores
  • I love going to concerts
  • I am a gymnast at Hamline
  • I like hiking and anything in nature